Faxing from Google Drive

How to send a fax from your Google Drive

Fax Rocket is the easiest way to send a fax from your Google Drive. Any document that can be automatically converted into a PDF by Google Drive (including Google Docs documents, Microsoft Word documents or PDF files) can be faxed very easily. To do this:

  1. Install the FaxRocket Google Drive app.
  2. In Google Drive, right click on any PDF file, then select Open With...: a Fax Rocket entry will be visible.
  3. Click the Fax Rocket entry to send the file to Fax Rocket.
  4. You can select multiple files to send all of them to the same number at the same time.
  5. Enter the destination number on the Recipient tab.
  6. Select the appropriate options for a coversheet (if you want one).
  7. Send the fax.

With delivery to over 50 countries you can get in, send your fax and get back to what you were doing!

Click the Get Started button to send your first fax right now.

Install to Google Drive